"I come from a household where gravy is considered a beverage."

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Cookie Monster Chocolate Cake

"This is the first cake I fell in love with. Moist dark chocolate butter cake with a custard filling and liberally iced with rich fudgy chocolate icing. what's not to like?!"


denise said...

Do you have the recipe for this cake? My mother had a recipe called "Cookie Monster Chocolate Cake" and it had a mocha filling and chocolate frosting but we have misplaced the recipe. Would you mind sharing this one if you have it?

Unknown said...

I have been in search of this recipe for years. Can you please share?

gemma said...

I would make this cake when I lived in the Philippines. It was given me by a friend and was always a big success. However, when I moved to HongKong, I left the recipe with my mother who copied it into her recipe book. She must've copied it wrong or omitted something from the recipe, because it has never come out the same way. Would you mind sharing the recipe of this luscious cookie monster chocolate cake, please? Thirty years is a long time searching for the right recipe. It would really be much appreciated.

Cherrie Umbalin said...

My mom makes this cake all the time since I was small. I love this cake :)

tindera sa palenke said...

yes, please do share your recipe. it would make my family sooooo happy. thanks.

tindera sa palenke said...

hello! would you mind sharing your recipe? your cake looks delicious. my family would be the happiest to taste this again after all these years. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please share a recipe. I had one from twenty yrs ago but my mad threw the notebook I copied it in and I am so beside myself!


applej said...

please share the recipe i have been looking for this recipe i love cookie monster.. tnx

Jingbern said...
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Jingbern said...

hello,pls be kind enough to share the recipe of this cake,i really wanted to learn how to bake this at home..thank you in advance and God Bless! :D

Jingbern said...

Hello,can i ask the recepi of this cake please?i really wanted to learn baking this cake 'coz it's one of my favorite cake..thank you in advance..